Certification according DIN EN ISO 9001:2015



In March 2015 we have been certified initially according DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 and now in the current version of the standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 the re-certification has been passed also successfully in February 2017.

The certification according to this standard approves our ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and applicable statutory requirements.

The predominant issues of the auditing are the approval of our quality management system over all, that our processes are adequately resourced and managed and that addressing risks and opportunities are associated with our context and objectives. Besides the customer satisfaction we focus therefore also on a long lasting capability to produce high quality products, well managed processes and the necessary sub-supplier management.
Delivering the automotive sector also following quality assurance requirements are requested additionally: FMEA, PMP, zero-defect goods deliveries, FIFO, 8D-Method, BCM.

The implementation of these sound principles should contribute to improve the performance of GLOVA Bus significantly and achieve a "surplus value" for our customers:

  • Progression of the efficiency and effectiveness within the company
  • Fortification of the confidence to GLOVA's sustainability
  • High degree of transparency for our corporate clients
  • Worldwide acceptance of the certificate




Certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015