Second Locomotive Driver Toilet developed by GLOVA


As announced already in the spring-time, our R&D team has designed a new freight train lavatory and it is now in the production. This locomotive-WC is really a "small sensation". The reason: a small sewage treatment tank in the form of the Microphor® Sanitary System ( is integrated in the cabin. This system is well proven for over four decades in railroad applications worldwide. It works on a natural biological basis. Since the outstanding Microphor® system requires a relative small space and only low-maintenance, it fits perfectly into almost every locomotive. The stainless steel toilet flushes with less than
1,0 litre water and does not need any electrical current. The microbiological assistants are present in human waste and therefore no additives are required for the system to function.

In order to comply with the hygienic requirements, the toilet module is completely sheeted internally with stainless steel, and for a long-life cycle, the supporting steel frames as well as the external sheet metal are powder-coated.

Technical Features of the loco toilet
Microbes living in the treatment tank brake down the solid waste into liquid and CO2-gas. Since the system process the waste there is no need to drain a waste tank and no human contact with waste.
All the hoses and the pipes are made of stainless steel, as well as the interior equipment. Special requests such as a very small triangular sink and an automatic air freshener dispenser can be included as needed.

The freight trains are up to three days on route.

According to experience, due to this simple and tough biological sanitary technology, the railway operator can keep the LCC and the necessary maintenance on an astonishing low level. Furthermore, the user is provided with high comfort and a high practical value on the often long-lasting trips. Siemens builds this freight train locomotive especially for Australian coal transport trains of up to 2.5 km lengths that make tours of up to three days.



Innenansicht des Designs




Durchsicht des Aufbaues der Lokführertoilette


Innenansicht des Aufbaus