Christmas market in South Tyrol with a GlovaStar
In the adorned old town centre of Meran, we were allowed to place a GlovaStar for six weeks at the disposal of the numerous visitors of the Christmas market. Of these visitors alone, around 20.000 have actually used the VIP sanitary trailer.
Tens of thousands of visitors were attracted by more than 80 stalls offering traditional handcrafts made of glass or ceramic, woven items, wood carvings and all kinds of typical cakes and pastries. They were welcomed to stroll through the health resort Meran with its festive historical atmosphere, looking forward to Christmas.
Our modest contribution was to provide an environmentally sound sanitary facility which operates reliably even with chilly temperatures.
The waterless urinals as well as our vacuum technology allowed more than 20,000 toilet uses spending only 10 cubic metres water, which benefits first of all the environment but certainly the operating costs as well. With conventional technology, 19,000 urinal flushes à 3 litres and 1,000 toilet flushes à 9 litres would sum up to a usage of approx. 66 cubic metres of fresh water.
However, the real challenge for the organizer of the Christmas market of Meran, "Kaufleute aktiv", and our technology was to offer the temporarily big rush of visitors a system that copes with temperatures of up to minus 10 degrees. Both the tireless working team and a winter package assembled especially for this event have passed this "stress test" quite well.
Christian Gufler